
In a land where guilds rule all, war is unimaginable, unbelievable. Until it arrives. From the desk of Honor Raconteur comes the tale of one guild, who believes in the impossible, and fight with everything they have to prevent the war they see coming.

Deepwoods - Book One

Siobhan Maley might be guildmaster to a rowdy bunch, and certainly traveling the width and breadth of the four continents has given her interesting experiences over the years. But she’s never been called to do a rescue mission before. Who would be foolhardy enough to pick such a dangerous fight by kidnapping the daughter of the most powerful guildmaster in Robarge?  

Siobhan has no idea what they’re walking into, but expects trouble. She gets more than she bargained for, as events take several dangerous twists and turns. There’s clearly a conspiracy within a tangled web of lies, and Siobhan is hard pressed to sort it out—much less keep her people safe on the road. She’s forced to use a deadly assassin from a dark guild as a guide, which is dangerous enough, but Rune’s not all as he appears.

In fact, nothing is.


Blackstone - Book Two

“Well, let’s have it. Where do you think we should go?”


Siobhan and Conli both froze. Saoleord? The city that no one ever visited and only natives could find? “Why?” Conli asked slowly, blue eyes studying Fei’s face.

Fei seemed to take a breath before admitting quietly, “Because I think we’ll need help very soon.”

“Fei, I’m lost. Why would you want to go home?”

“I have seen this pattern before. The last time that one country was pushed into an economical depression by another country, it led to war.”

Siobhan’s blood froze. “War?”

“Can a war even be possible?” Conli objected. “A skirmish I can see, one guild or one city attacking another is very possible. But to have a war, an actual war as you mean it, you’d have to get several main guilds to cooperate enough to fight in a united front. We can barely get them to agree on trade agreements.”

Fei shook his head, mouth set in a grim line. “Orin is desperate. They will band together to pillage and loot, if nothing else. I tell you, the history that I learned showed this exact set of events happening over and over again. We are primed for war but we are not ready for it. If Orin pulls together an army and marches against us, they can destroy us city by city without anyone being able to stop them.”

Fallen Ward - Book Three

“Siobhian-jia. Something is amiss?”

“I don’t know. That’s the problem. Ryu Jin Ho-zhi. I need you to think like a strategist for a moment. If someone were to tell you about the situation in Fallen Ward, all the facts that we heard yesterday, what would you do?”

Ryu Jin Ho’s dark eyes focused on her face in a penetrating way. “Is this question purely academic?”

“No. Rune is missing and we don’t know where he went. I suspect it has something to do with what he learned this morning, which was all about the condition of Fallen Ward.”

“So what you are truly asking me is, if I were Rune, and I learned all of that, what would I do?”

“Yes. You’re both students of Hyun Woo. Knowing strategy as you do, knowing Rune’s skills, what do you predict he will do?”

Ryu Jin Ho didn’t even think about it for a full second before he answered her. “Assassinate the Guildmaster of Fallen Ward.”

Jioni - A Deepwoods Short Story

“Siobhan, I need to go home.”

Blinking up at Tran’s dark face, Siobhan pondered that statement, not quite understanding what he meant. As far as she knew, he was home. She was sitting in the newly finished guildhall that very moment. Pete was even napping on her foot, how much home could they be? And then the meaning clicked, “Jioni?”

Note: This is an epilogue short story and should not be read before the Deepwoods Series.

Origins - A Collection of Deepwoods Short Stories

As Rune grows curious about his new fellow guildmates, he decides he needs to hear their stories in full. So he asks.

 Set in the midst of "Blackstone" as the group travels to Saoleord, learn with Rune how Deepwoods came to be.

 In true Wynnguardian, this is the story of Deepwoods. 

Crossroads - An Artifactor Deepwoods Crossover Short Story

Sometimes, as is often the case with magic, things go awry. Sevana’s quite accustomed to magical explosions, fires, and curses in her daily life. People abruptly appearing inside of Big from a different planet? Well, she has to admit, that’s a first.

Deepwoods Guild specializes in traveling, but with Grae at the helm, they’ve never had a path fail. Until now. For the first time in his professional career, Grae has no idea where they are or how to get them back home again.

But maybe, if the Pathmakers and Artifactors can put their heads together, they can figure it out.