Stand alones

Call to Quarters - A Gaeldorcraeft Forces Novel

Since the days of Merlin, there have been magicians that aid king and country.

In modern times, they are known as the Gældorcræft Forces. They do everything that needs to be done, from disaster relief to keeping giant cities afloat – like Los Angeles.


Investigating explosions at Air Force Research Labs are outside of the norm, but this explosion doesn’t follow the rules either. It happens nearly right on top of a leyline and the damage it causes is considerable.


Noriko is new to California, new to the GF, and has a brand new partner to boot. She wanted to have an easy first week of work, just to adjust to things, but instead she’s thrown head first into a case that is snowballing in complexity.


Time is definitely ticking because if they don’t figure it out, then all of California is going to wind up in the ocean.

Midnight Quest

Jewel Jomadd is not a likely heroine for any tale. She's not a warrior, has no magical abilities, and the only weapon she has is her sharp tongue. To make matters worse, she's blind. Hardly the qualifications for the leading role.

Jewel isn’t one for borrowing trouble, and she’s never left Belthain Castle in her short nineteen years. But being a Priestess of Elahandra seems to come hand in hand with trouble. As soon as she steps into her position, her goddess gives her an impossible task: go find the missing four crystals that have been lost for the past two hundred years and put them back in place.

She would love to know how she became the heroine of some non-existent tale, gallivanting around Evard dodging bounty hunters, Minister lackeys, Daath assassins, irate politicians, and childish gods when all she wanted was normalcy. She really would.

Special Forces 01

Seventeen year old Captain Arystair Savar and his teams have been given a new mission: find out what their enemy, Nova, is planning for their allies on Bijordan and prevent them from implementing the probable takeover. Their underlying mission? Learn to be normal teenagers in high-school. Rys isn't sure which mission is harder.